utopia1dc's Philadelphia Phillies Extended Profile

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Who am I?

Hi, my name is Dan and I am 39 years old. I am an avid Cowboys fan living in the Philadelphia suburbs. I graduated from Upper Dublin High School (PA), and then attended Temple University. I then moved to Tulsa, OK for 4 years in the early '90's. I am now residing in beautiful Gilbertsville, PA. My goal for this Blog is to have fun and meet new people with similar, but yet differnt opinions than me. If my Blog makes me rich and famous...well then that's a chance I am willing to take!

Brief description

Avid Cowboys Fan In Eagles Country

Official website address



Dallas Cowboys, Reading, Sports, Temple Basketball, World Cup Soccer (ITALIA/USA), Writing

This site is not affiliated, owned, or controlled or otherwise connected in any way to the Philadelphia Phillies or Major League Baseball (MLB) or any of its entities.