Andrew Nuscis's Philadelphia Phillies Extended Profile

Who am I?

Hey everyone. My name is Andrew Nuscis. I am 19 years old and I currently reside in Port Richey, Fl. I am a diehard Philly fan. I like all the teams including the Phillies, Flyers, Eagles, and the Sixers. I have followed these teams for years now and I still continue to follow them. I am in college right now and I hope to further my career into a play by play announcer for one of the major sports.


Port Richey

State / Region


Postal code




Email address

Mobile telephone


AIM screenname

njallstar07 (Add Buddy, Send Message)


and Sixers. I also play video games so any sports game on the xbox 360 or the ps2., Eagles, Flyers, Phillies


Guest Services

Company / Institution

St. Pete Times Forum

Job Title

Guest Services

Job Description

I am an usher at the Forum and I help fans with their problems and inquiries.

Career Goals

My ultimate goal is to become a play by play announcer in football, basketball, baseball, or hockey. I hope to find stability in a company and I hope I can learn a lot wherever I may end up to further myself in life.

Level of Education

Current college sophomore

High School

H.B. Plant High School

University / College

Pasco-Hernando Community College


Going for my AA then my Bachelor's Degree

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